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Settlers Bank

Settlers Bank

Banks, banking associations

About Us

Settlers Bank was founded in 1999 out of the need for a locally owned and managed bank. Seven former directors of Dime Bank joined together to launch this new enterprise. James A Meagle Jr. was chosen as the new bankā€™s President and CEO. The other directors were C Fred Hunter Jr, Robert G Kelly, Richard A Spindler, William C Wigal, Dan Stephan Jr, and Neil R Wynn. Their goal was to offer more personalized services to customers and answer questions locally, not in a remote office out of state.

In 2019 we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our founding. Weā€™ve welcomed many new people into the Settlers Bank family since 1999, but we all work toward carrying on the proud legacy of the founders. With everything that has changed over the years, one constant remainsā€¦..we are dedicated to providing caring, professional, personalized local service to our customers.

The mission of Settlers Bank is to be the best source of banking products and service in the Washington County, Ohio area. We are committed to profitable operations while maintaining a strong, stable, and safe community bank, while meeting the desires of our market.

Since opening in 1999, Setters Bank has continually introduced new products, maintained services that are important to the community, and continued to thrive as a growing community bank. As local banks in our area are continuously acquired by larger financial institutions, Settlers Bank aims to define itself as a community-oriented Bank with flexible and diverse financial products and services that are important to the community.


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Rep/Contact Info

Tina Adams
, Vice President and Credit Analyst
Zach Bates
IT Manager
Teresa Cunningham
AVP Loan Officer
Jack Getter
Loan Officer
Jill Hall
Corporate Secretary
Lora Holden
Loan Officer
Deanna Long
Loan Officer, VP
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Laura Miller
Marketing Manager / Corporate Secretary
Donna Perine
Donn Schafer
President & CEO
Carley Scholl
Scott Smith
Chief Lender
Amy Soul

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